If there are a lot of problems with your foundation settling, you will want to have repairs done. Sometimes, the problems can affect the brickwork and masonry features. Once you have paid for structural repairs, you are going to need to fix the brickwork. The following masonry repair guide will help you repair brick that has crumbled due to foundation problems:
Removing Severely Damaged Brick—After you have addressed the issues causing your foundation to settle, remove the severely damaged brick.…
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While having a formal dining room used to be really popular in interior design, things have moved in a completely different direction and are now more about having large communal living spaces for friends and family to hang out in together.
If you are in the process of building a house or if you are completely gutting your existing home, then you may want to consider getting rid of your formal dining space altogether so that you can instead use that room for something else.…
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Limestone is a type of stone that can be at home almost anywhere in your yard or garden. Here are just a few examples of how you can use limestone to your advantage when setting up or upgrading your garden and landscape elements.
1. Edging
If you like broad, flat garden bed edging, limestone pavers may be just what you’re looking for. This type of edging can allow English Cottage Garden style plants to spill gently out of the bed without overstepping into the lawn.…
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